Salt and Pepper Noise Removal Based on Minimization of a Functional with a Weighted Parameter Properties of Boundary Blow-up Solutions to Elliptic Systems of Competitive Type with Singular Weights 基于带权重参数泛函极小化的椒盐噪声图像去噪方法带奇异权函数的竞争型边界爆破椭圆方程组解的性质
Malagueta pepper is a type of chilli used inBrazil, Portugal and Mozambique. 马拉盖塔椒是一种红辣椒,在巴西,葡萄牙和莫桑比克广为使用。
Using red sweet pepper and fruit of Lycium chinense Mill as the main material, a new type of combined vegetable beverage with rich neutral was developed. 以红甜椒、枸杞为原料,研制出了一种营养丰富的新型复合蔬菜汁饮料。
The variation of single fruit heavy is: sweet pepper type> cone type> Sheep's horn type> the finger type. 单果重总的变异规律是甜椒型>圆锥型>羊角型>手指型。
In this research, we studied trends of SOD, POD and CAT activities in the flower buds of two pepper male-sterility lines 1442A ( lantern type) and 13733A ( goat cornu type) as well as their maintain lines and recovery lines. 以辣椒雄性不育系1442A(灯笼型)和13733A(羊角型)及其保持系和恢复系为试材,对花蕾中SOD、POD和CAT3种同工酶活性的变化趋势进行了研究。